Thursday, January 7, 2010

January 6 - Snow Day!

A little silliness in the snow while waiting for Jim and the kids to get home from work/school.

On the lookout for the rest of the family.

Watching the snow come down.

Making snow angels!

And a nice after-snow drink.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 5 - Boy and Penguin

Picking up Jon after basketball practice.

January 4 - Gloria's Offering

Gloria, our 11yo daughter, wanted to go Christmas shopping. She wanted to buy only one thing and she wanted to use her own money, so she and her stepdaddy took off to accomplish this. When they returned from the shopping trip Gloria made herself busy with wrapping and deposited the gift, for me, under the tree. 

Jim told me later how patient the other shoppers in the checkout line were as Gloria counted out her pennies, all the money she had, after she explained to the cashier that the tennis balls were a gift for her Mama, and the puppy she would be getting for her graduation, all with her own money. 

It was the best gift. Ever.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 3 - Sunday Night

Sunday nights are Big Band/Jazz on the stereo and the family unit hanging out while preparing dinner, a tradition for nearly the entire 10 years we've been married.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2 - Laundry Day!

6 loads down, umpteen more to go.

Friday, January 1, 2010

January 1

Ah, fresh new blog. I've toyed with the idea of doing a Project 365 blog for a while, wondering whether or not I'd be able to keep it up, but I'm going to give it a whirl, anyway.

The first photo is one of my side of our joint office before I scale an all-out reorg offensive. It needs it, badly, and will need to happen before I begin school again later this month.

On the second shelf from the top you'll see my blog penguin, Leslie, a surprise gift from my daughter Meghann sometime back. Had I gotten close enough, you would also see on that shelf a copy of The Way of a Pilgrim with a remarkable likeness of a Charlie Sheen mugshot on the spine. The cute cherub in the frame is my daughter Erin at 1 year.